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Kindle 2, Electronic Reader from Amazon

Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:12 AM

Amazon, one of the biggest online shopping, make interesting release in November 2007. This device is an electronic reader, the text by using the new screen technology - E-Ink. At the start, the number of electronic devices based on the e-ink is not this day, and this type of screen has a big WOW factor. We have considered as a first generation Amazon Kindle, so if you're interested you can read here. Why do we remember? Because the time for Amazon to launch the new and improved version of the e-Ink readers - called Kindle 2. What should we expect from the second iteration of Amazon's portable reader books?

While the model is quite innovative for the first time to enter the market, you hope the situation is the same as the successor - and you will be totally true! Switch 2 and looks much more modern feel of its predecessor. It is almost unbelievable thin - the thickness is 0.36 inches, which is almost as thick as most of the magazine. Has a rounded back edge and sharp as iPhone and iPod Touch use - a new fashion design, or only one step toward better usability? In any case, much more thin and comfortable to use now. In general, the design has been improved. Switch 2 now as slim and modern device's board, not as a giant target for 90 years with many edges, as the first. Button placement is a big step forward, 5-control navigation to make navigation easier and more intuitive. The battery also increased, but now has 25 percent more capacity - which means about two sunday read in the battery. Of course, it all depends on how often they read, so this number may vary.

On the hardware side, there are also many improvements. Although only supports EVDO Kindle special wireless network, Kindle 2 can be used more widely for 3G connectivity. In less than 60 seconds you will have the right books ordered on the device and is not necessary to find a Wi-Fi. Of course, the books must be purchased at the online bookstore Amazon first. Talking about this store, they have more than 230,000 books in various genres, many newspapers and magazines - all this with a variety of literature can be easily accessed through 3G network. Amazon's mobile wireless service policies do not cover all the bills - to pay Amazon for 3G connection (it may cost unlimited wireless plan included in the price of Kindle 2). All books purchased will be stored on servers in the Amazon, so it does not need to have them all on the Kindle - you can always download again later. But why remove someone, when a book with a capacity of 2 GB internal Kindle 2 can store up to 1500 pounds at a time?

Some may wonder why they need space for books published in 1500? 2GB capacity is greater than the number of textbooks. But when the fair features a new entrance Kindle 2 - audio book support. Have 3.5mm headphone slot, so that any headphones will do. Audio books can be very large, 2GB, so will not be enough to save 1,500 of them - but, you can always re-download from Amazon, why you should save it all in one place? Another interesting feature of the audio output is a function of text speak. Is a choice between reading the text itself, and listen to how 2 say to your Kindle. Of course, the machine readable text can not always better than the people who make recordings, but if you want to listen to your favorite books, while in the van or the need to rest - to be the best option.

Of course, this device has a shortfall. Strict dependence on the service from Amazon, it can only be used in the United States. Emerged from the first sentence, almost all books available on the Kindle is in English, then this device will be useful for English speaking audiences only. Another drawback of this device, you can use a memory card to expand internal memory - some users will have 2 GB internal memory is not enough for their tastes. However, please note that the first bearing Kindle is successful, then the successor, likely to be most in demand. Will announce the launch on 24 February 2009, the estimated price of $ 359.



Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani


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